Monday, July 1, 2013

Started an eating plan today...

sort of.  Okay, my friend Karen created an eating plan for me to follow starting today (THANK YOU Karen).  Didn't have time to shop for all I needed to be ready for the week so I made do with what I had today.  Tomorrow morning, shopping to get the rest of what I need.

Felt good to make an effort to eat well today.  To be very fair to myself, when I plan ahead, I DO eat well.  What always throws me off....
1.  letting myself get too hungry.
2.  not planning ahead so when number one happens, I will grab anything easy.
3.  eating out too much because......I've not planned ahead.  See how this is a vicious cycle?!
4.  and lately, not drinking enough water.  I LOVE drinking water so it's not a chore for me, just have let myself get out of the habit.  Didn't switch to soda or anything else, just quit drinking liquid. (Except for my precious morning coffee.)

Bottom line, today's eating went very well.  It's after 9 p.m. as I type this and I AM hungry but not feeling miserable like I need to eat something.  Will be drinking some more water before bed.

Oh, had stevia this a.m. on my oatmeal.  Hmmm, I've used it before, but I think never a whole packet at once?  Bad idea, it's definitely a weird flavor and made my mouth instantly dry!  I can live with it though.

Knees - are continuing to kill me, though I could move with a teensy bit more ease today.  I'd say on Friday my pain level was an 11, by Sat. a.m. it was a 1 (thought the topical gel was a miracle drug - turns out that's a no), by Sat. late afternoon I was back to about a 12 and all day Sunday easily a 10-11.  However by today I'm to about a 9.  Continuing to take the anti-inflammatory the doc prescribed and using the gel.  Slept better last night and at least my knee didn't burn all night.  Iced my knee all day and tried to stay off of it as much as possible hoping the ice and rest would help, not sure it did.  :(  Didn't make it worse though, that's a plus.

Today, found out my insurance covers unlimited physical therapy sessions.  Yea!  Doc is writing a scrip for me to pick up.  He isn't exactly a big cheerleader about it, seems to be pushing me to injections.  Pain, even at an 11 or 12 isn't bad enough that I'm interested in a needle to the knee.  Hoping to drop five or six lbs. this week.  Will weigh in a doc this coming Sat. to see how it's going.

All I can really think tonight is wow, did I fuck this up or what?!   On the plus side, I finally have my bookable topic to write about so I can go out and give speeches and maybe get paid for that someday!  I know, can you believe there are people who's job it is is get PAID to talk to people that WANT to hear what they have to say, that ISN'T in talk radio?!?!   My get paid to do the ONLY thing I really know how to do well!!

Gotta keep working into warrior mode for this!!  My mom said something funny tonight in response to me saying, yet again, that I didn't consider not being able to walk....heart attack, stroke sure those crossed my mind but being immobile, no.  Mom says, it seems there ARE some things worse than death and I have to agree!!!

Tomorrow-continue eating better and drinking my water.


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